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Kings 3D New Product Launch Event

Kings 3D has released several heavyweight new products, adding to its four major product lines: metal 3D printing, five-axis additive, and subtractive manufacturing, high-speed line forming (HSLA), and arc additive manufacturing.

Keywords: Kings, Kings 3D Group, Additive manufacturing, Research and development, Cutting-edge technology, New Product Launch, Kings 3D Printer, Kings 3D printing technology, Industry leadership, Innovation, Market trends, Advanced Technology, LASERADD-600, DED-A800, BJ-M400-A, HSLA-400, DiMetal-500M

On April 25th, 2024, the Kings 3D Group's new product launch event was grandly held at its production base in Zhuhai, Guangdong. Hosted by the Kings Additive Manufacturing Research Institute under the Kings 3D Group, the event focused on showcasing the cutting-edge technological achievements of the institute over the past year and introduced five heavyweight new products along with related application cases. Nearly a hundred attendees, including leaders of the Kings 3D Group, technical experts from various departments, business elites, domestic and international partners, and media representatives, participated in the event.

Dr. Song Changhai, technical advisor of the Kings 3D Group, presided over the event. Guests in attendance included Chairman Jiang Zexing, General Manager Qiu Haiping, Executive Vice General Manager Chen Bingyun, Professor Yang Yongqiang, President of the Kings Additive Manufacturing Research Institute and Chief Scientist of Kings 3D, Professor Wang Di, Director of the Shenzhen Kings Technology Center, and Zhang Shiqin, Deputy Director of the Kings Additive Manufacturing Research Institute.



Kings' Group leaders (from left to right: Wang Di, Qiu Haiping, Yang Yongqiang, Jiang Zexing, Chen Bingyun)

This event for the launch of new products includes the following five heavyweight additions:

1) LASERADD-600, a five-axis additive, and subtractive CNC machine tool;

2) DED-A800, an arc additive manufacturing equipment;

3) BJ-M400-A, a metal 3D printing device;

4) HSLA-400, a high-speed line-forming light-curing printer;

5) The latest product from the Kings Metal 3D Printing Machine DiMetal series – the high-efficiency four-laser metal 3D printing device DiMetal-500M.

Equipment Introduction


Related Application Cases



In the final segment of the conference, all attendees were guided by the institute's technical staff to visit the new products and related application cases, engaging in interactive sessions.




In 2023, Kings 3D Group, aiming to further enhance its scientific research capabilities and driven by the determination to innovate, established the Kings Additive Manufacturing Research Institute. Over the past year, the institute has been guided by market demand, concentrating its efforts on new product development and cutting-edge technological breakthroughs, exploring and successfully applying them in various fields.

This event for the launch of these five new products marks the addition of four major new product lines to the Kings 3D Group, namely metal 3D printing, five-axis additive and subtractive manufacturing, high-speed line forming (HSLA), and arc additive manufacturing. As of now, Kings 3D's intelligent manufacturing equipment covers the full range of additive manufacturing processes including SLA, SLM, SLS, FDM, FGF, DLP, LCD, 3DP, HSLA, arc additive, and five-axis additive and subtractive, achieving comprehensive coverage of multiple mainstream intelligent manufacturing technologies, which positions Kings 3D as one of the leading 3D printing technology companies in China with the widest industrial layout.


In the future, Kings 3D Group will ramp up its research and development efforts, focusing on pioneering advancements and market applications in additive manufacturing. We are determined to solidify our products' competitiveness in the market, leading the industry's evolution.

Check the Youtube video here!

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