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Why Is SLS Printing So Expensive?

When we talk about cost, the below aspects should be especially concerned.

1. The cost of the instrument itself

2. The cost of printing materials

3. The cost of supporting equipment

4. Power supply

5. Labor costs

First, compare the price of the instrument. SLA 3D printers always have a large printing size. For example, the Kings 600Pro has a printing size of 600x600x450mm, but for SLS, the forming cylinder size of the Kings P440 is only 440x440x450mm. However, the price for the Kings SLA 600Pro is much less than the Kings SLS P440.

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Then for the materials. 

The price for resin in SLA printing is much less than plastic powder for SLS printing. Besides, for SLA, the use rate for resin can reach 100% while for SLS printing, there will be used powder, the use rate can not reach 100%, sometimes waste materials.

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And about the supporting equipment.


SLA only requires an air conditioner to keep the temperature, the unloading trolley, and a simple UV curing box. Then it can work fine.

However, SLS, not only it requires a powder activation machine, but also an air compressor, nitrogen generator, and much other equipment.

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Next, let's talk about the power consumption. For SLA, like Kings 600Pro, it only requires about 1.5KW when working, and other equipment also requires little electricity. 

However, to SLS, like Kings P440. The power consumption is 15KW. SLS machines have to work with much other equipment, they also have a large power consumption.

Finally, it's the labor cost. SLA machine is pretty easy. A normal worker with simple training can operate it. But the SLS machine is pretty complex. It requires experienced operators. For post-processing, SLA printing normally only needs to remove the support structure while SLS requires, cleaning, sandblasting, etc.

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Author: Jerry / Christine

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