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Kings FDM1000 for Light Industry

In recent years, 3D printing technology has been used to produce creative lighting fixtures and it has become one of the important techs for related companies to make such products. Kings 3D has also become one of the powerful promoters of this application in this field and Kings FDM 1000 is widely used in it.

Keywords: 3D printing, light industry, FDM1000

If you need to print a 1m high lamp, you need to split it into 6 pieces for printing. The machine used is Kings FDM1000 with max printing size 1000*1000*1000mm. It will take about 6-7 days to print this product. Generally, we use ABS filament to print lamps. Clients can also use PLA to print it with a transparent effect. After 3D printing is completed, we can drill holes in the model and then fix the parts with screws. Finally, glue them together。

Kings FDM1000 for Light Industry

(Kings FDM 3D Printer M1000)

Kings FDM1000 is a hot-selling large-scale fast FDM 3D printer, with a maximum molding size of 1000*1000*1000mm. The overall performance of the machine is stable. It can achieve 7x24 hours of uninterrupted printing. Compared with previous 3D printers, it doubles the speed and greatly shortens the printing time, helping companies to achieve product design from drawings to physical models in a shorter time. Inspection and testing, accelerate new product development.


(Printing sample of Kings FDM 3D Printers)

It is worth noting that in addition to the field of creative lighting design, Kings FDM 3D printers are also widely used in many other industries such as automotive parts, architectural design, industrial design, portrait sculpture, etc., becoming a favorable weapon for related companies to accelerate product upgrades, enhance market competitiveness, and increases profit margins.


If you are interested in our FDM 3D Printers, feel free to contact us!

Author: Lily/ Lili Lu/ Christine

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