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Methods to Optimize Temperature Control

Keywords: 3D printer, Industrial 3D printer, Kings 3D, 3D Printing Technology, SLS 3D Printer, Optimize Temperature Control, 3D Printing Application, SLS 3D Printing, SLS Technology Development

1. Precise Control of Laser Power

Adjust the laser power according to the material properties and print requirements to ensure the optimal sintering temperature is achieved. Implementing a closed-loop control system that continuously monitors and adjusts laser power can enhance sintering precision.

Kings P440 SLS 3D printer is equipped with a name-brand CO2 laser and galvanometer system, the laser power is up to 60W. It is also adjusted according to the printing condition. It ensures the suitable laser powder.


2. Adjusting Bed Temperature

An accurate bed temperature will ensure adequate adhesion while minimizing thermal stress. Generally, setting the bed temperature near the material's glass transition temperature is appropriate.

Kings P440 SLS 3D printer is equipped with 8 heat pipes and an independent temperature control system. Also dynamically adjust temperature when it is working. It helps to reach the best printing condition, as we all know that temperature is very important for printing performance.


3. Controlling For Cooling

The printed products or layers need to be kept warm to prevent the temperature from dropping quickly. This is related to product dimensional error, deformation, and bending degree.

Kings P440 SLS 3D printer is a continuous temperature control system for printer products or layers, ensuring a good quality of the parts.


4. Real-Time Monitoring and Feedback System

Introduce real-time temperature monitoring and feedback control systems. Utilize infrared thermometers to monitor the temperature of the sintering zone and the print bed, allowing for timely parameter adjustments to ensure consistent print quality.

Kings P440 SLS 3D printer is equipped with infrared thermometers to monitor the temperature of the sintering zone and the print bed. It ensures a good printing condition.



Temperature has a crucial impact on SLS printing. From sintering temperature to bed temperature and ambient temperature, each parameter directly affects the final quality and performance of the printed object. By precisely controlling each temperature parameter and optimizing the printing process, it is possible to significantly improve print quality, reduce defects, and ensure high-quality print results. Temperature control is not only key to successful SLS printing but also a critical direction for the further development of SLS technology.

Kings P440 SLS 3D printer is equipped with a high-precision temperature control system, it is able to ensure the product size error is less than 0.2% of the total product size.

Author: Jerry/Christine

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